Friday 13 April 2012

Ayaa History                 
SanGGili Karupar
 He was born in Madhurai and believed to be a pure Indian. He was once a thief .He stole & gave it to the poor. .(Like the Morden Day Robin Hood) He also had his own group of people that help him to rob. It was believed that more than thousand poor people live happily because of Him. Although he knew that he is doing the wrong thing, he was happy to help the poor people. So he did not mind about his ‘job’. After his death he was given the job as protecting god for his good deeds .

 Characteristic: Sanggili Karupar Ayya is one of the strict ayya. But he will always achieve everything that he had said. He will attract people by smiling but at the same time he will play his own game. Although he is not very patient, he manage to teach us how to work in a group and be discipline as in the army.
 He also quite a strict man and very concern regarding on the activity and discipline of the temple boys and girls.  Ayya talks less when it came to a problem but he acts more. He always help those who have faith in him and his works. He is simply the great

Madhurai veeran

 He was found in Selam and  he believed to be a king's son. He wore ‘saram' and has sun symbol ‘sooriya muthirai' on his chest. The ‘saram' that he wore believed could bring disaster to the royal family. So His father asked his guards to kill his own son. But the guards have no heart to kill the baby. So they left Him in a thick jungle. Then he was found by a group of gipsy. It was believed He was taken care by  wild animals in the jungle before the gipsy found him. When he grew up he became an army. He has his own powerful troop that helps the king to take care the safety of the state that the king ruled. He believed to be a dedicated man in his work. He only fought for justice. After his death he was believed be a protecting god and a messanger for human being.

 Characteristic:Maa Veeran Ayya is one of the most lovable ayya. Although he was an army chief  in his past life, he manage to be patient, loveable and caring towards his kind devotees. He always wants his ‘daughters', ‘sons' and other devotees to follow the right path in their life. Other than that, he also  a light(Guide) for his beloved children and lead them to the correct path. Furthermore he is good motivator especially for students.
    He  emphasis on the importance of  education to of children. Apart from this, he also wants his children to maintain their relationship and stay together forever. He always  emphasis on co-operation in any activity that we have to carried out. Maa Veeran Ayya will always be our mentor and a symbol of purity.

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